Community Rules for Media
Welcome to the Media community! To create a safe, comfortable, and positive environment for all users, we have established some rules that must be followed by every member. Violations of these rules will be strictly enforced, including the removal of content and user accounts.

1. Prohibited Content
Users are strictly prohibited from posting content that includes:

Pornography in any form (photos, videos, writings, or files).
Gambling or activities supporting gambling.
SARA (ethnic, religious, racial, and intergroup issues) that are provocative.
Hate speech or attacks targeting individuals, groups, or institutions.
Illegal ****s or other banned substances, including narcotics.
Content that supports or promotes criminal activities of any kind.
2. Interaction Ethics
Use language that is polite, positive, and does not incite conflict.
Avoid spam or repetitive posting of irrelevant content.
Do not post personal information belonging to others without permission.
Posting content con****ning hoaxes, misinformation, or propaganda is not allowed.
3. User Rights and Responsibilities
Each user is responsible for the content they post.
Report any rule-violating content to admins or moderators.
Users must respect the privacy and copyrights of others' content.
4. Penalties for Violations
We will:

Remove content that violates these rules without prior notice.
Suspend or delete accounts of users who violate the rules.
In severe cases, involve authorities for serious legal violations.
5. Additional Notes
Promotional content is only allowed in categories or groups designated by admins.
Discussions are permitted as long as they are relevant, constructive, and on-topic.
The use of fake accounts or bots for any activities on the platform is prohibited.
By using Media, you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to these rules. Let’s work together to create a community that supports creativity, innovation, and unity.

Thank you for adhering to the rules!
Admin Team, Media