Prepare For Your Splunk SPLK-2003 Exam With These Preparation Tips

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Are you standing in front of your bookshelf, overwhelmed and unsure how to study for that upcoming SPLK-2003 exam? Well, you're not alone. The following tips will help you prepare for the SPLK-2003 exam by walking you through the process step by step.

Know About Splunk SPLK-2003 Exam Format, And Content:

A Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer* installs, configures, and uses SOAR (formerly Phantom) servers and plans, designs, creates and debugs basic playbooks for SOAR. These highly skilled individuals are proficient in complex SOAR solution development. They can integrate SOAR with Splunk and develop playbooks requiring custom coding and REST API usage. This certification demonstrates an individual's knowledge and skills in installing and configuring a SOAR server and integrating it with Splunk, as well as planning, designing, creating, and debugging playbooks.

The Splunk SPLK-2003 exam format is a combination of written and performance-based questions. The expected time to complete the exam is 90 minutes.


Know About Splunk SPLK-2003 Exam Key Topics:

The following key Splunk SPLK-2003 exam topics are included in the exam.

  • Splunk App for SOAR
  • Splunk Enterprise architecture, components, and terminology
  • Configure a SOAR server
  • Configure a Splunk instance for SOAR services
  • Plan and design a SOAR solution using an Advanced Services Manager (ASM)
  • Deploy a SOAR environment using ASM
  • Install and configure an Incident Responder (IR) server, an Event Collector (EC) server, a Web Forwarder (WF), and their associated agents on Windows or Linux operating systems. Also, configure the IR, WF, and EC servers to send data to the SOAR over HTTPS.
  • Create playbooks to collect events from multiple sources with different formats or protocols.

Let's talk in detail.

Splunk App for SOAR

The Splunk App for SOAR is an application that enables the end user to perform Splunk indexing, reporting, and dashboarding on data stored in a Splunk Enterprise instance. The app can integrate with other Splunk apps, dashboards, and search Web interfaces.

Splunk Enterprise architecture, components, and terminology

Splunk is a distributed data collection system that provides real-time intelligence in the cloud through a single unified platform. It was created to provide search capabilities across multiple enterprise applications, drastically reducing IT administration costs while improving responsiveness. It's essential to know the Splunk architecture, components, and terminology before taking any Splunk certification exam.

Configure a SOAR server

The SOAR server is the central node of a Splunk Enterprise installation. It collects, stores, indexes, and analyzes SOAR event data to provide searchable reports for the Splunk application.

Configure a Splunk instance for SOAR services

Splunk provides enterprise-grade data analysis through a single platform that can power various applications such as IT Service Management (ITSM), IT asset management (ITAM), and business analytics. The Splunk Enterprise solution is built on multiple tiers. The highest level is the indexer tier used to store, index, and analyze incoming data.

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Plan and design a SOAR solution using an Advanced Services Manager (ASM)

Advanced Services Managers (ASM) is a web application that allows you to collect data from other sources, such as external monitoring tools, into Splunk Enterprise. ASM provides an interface for the end user to configure and monitor sources. ASM also provides playbooks - pre-configured tasks that can be run against Splunk features and data inputs.

Deploy a SOAR environment using ASM

When your testing environments have been completed, test them by linking them to one another to create a continuous deployment pipeline. Install and configure an Incident Responder (IR) server, an Event Collector (EC) server, a Web Forwarder (WF), and their associated agents on Windows or Linux operating systems. Also, configure the IR, WF, and EC servers to send data to the SOAR over HTTPS.


Create playbooks to collect events from multiple sources with different formats or protocols.

Playbooks allow you to organize data collected from different sources into information about events and their associated metadata. The following are supported for playbooks: ODBC input, REST input, HTTP output, and Syslog output. When creating a playbook, you need to specify what type of input data exists in the entry point of your playbooks. For example, when creating a playbook for Syslog output, you need to specify that "Syslog" is an input on the default level of your playbooks. When creating a playbook for REST input, filter the schema (using ".*" wildcards) and add inputs based on this filter.


How To Prepare For Splunk SPLK-2003 Certification test?

We provide a step-by-step Splunk certification prep to help you score higher on the exam. We will provide Splunk training material, practice questions, and answers so that you can become a certified/vetted/professional Splunk® Certified Associate SOAR.

There are two approaches available to prepare for the SPLK-2003 exam:


  1. What is the best approach to pass Splunk SPLK-2003 exam?

The best way to prepare for this exam is with the help of the Splunk study guide and Splunk certification book from Realbraindumps. Splunk experts recommend this material to every other aspiring candidate. You can further enhance your knowledge of the subject by practicing different questions.


  1. How does Realbraindumps take on Splunk certification, and how can it help you perform well in the SPLK-2003 exam?

We provide you with a complete study guide with the kind of information that will help you prepare well for this exam:

a) Study material: Splunk study material provides you with all the chapters and chapters of each topic in detail. With Splunk study material, it is easier to understand the important and challenging to remember knowledge about Splunk in detail. Understanding the chapter becomes easier than reading a single topic from a Splunk book.

Click on the given link to get SPLK-2003 exam study material:

b) Practice materials: Our practice materials can be used after memorizing all information from the Splunk book. You can hone your skills by practicing different question types and time management techniques with practice materials.


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At Realbraindumps, we don't just sell our products but also our value. Here is what you get:

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Your success depends on your success - Realbraindumps has the following products to boost your performance: Splunk training material, practice questions and answers, and a Splunk certification book, which is the best way to prepare for this exam. Our preparation materials are made to helicons enhance their knowledge about the subject. Practice different types of questions to improve your skills.

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How Can This Certification Boost Your Career?

Splunk is a leader in business intelligence software and services. Splunk software collects, indexes, and correlates real-time event data from multiple sources to provide an aggregated view of IT operations. Splunk solutions provide deep visibility and help to reduce the complexity of managing modern applications, IT infrastructure, and big data.

Splunk LLC is an American company that produces software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data. It is based in San Francisco, California. The company was founded in 2003 by Erik Swan, who previously co-founded Riverstone Networks.

This certification can help you to reach the following career goals:

This certification is a prerequisite to working in different organizations, such as Splunk-certified associate engineer, Splunk-certified assistant engineer, and Splunk-certified administrator. Organizations that list this certification as a prerequisite for employment are the IT industry, information technology consulting, and IT services companies.

This certification is a prerequisite for being listed as an author on Splunk online publications and technical manuals. This certification can also obtain authorship privileges for all future versions of the Splunk Training material. You must have passed the required technical competencies to get certified on the Splunk SPLK-2003 exam.

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Splunk Certified Associate SOAR specializes in enterprise data exploration and management solutions. Splunk carries the "SO" designation in recognition of its unique ability to sift and sort through vast quantities of disparate data to provide actionable intelligence insights within seconds.

Splunk Certified Associate SOAR is a product that is designed to provide access to Splunk data securely by leveraging certificate-based authentication and encryption.


There are many job opportunities available in the field of Splunk that are given below:

Splunk Certified Associate:

The Splunk Certified Associate designation has been designed to provide certified professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the field of Splunk. Through education and development, the Splunk Certified Associate demonstrates expertise in a select area of Splunk application development. The following is a list of areas where professionals can demonstrate their skills: architecture, design, administration, and testing.

Splunk Certified Assistant/Splunk Certified Administrator:

The Splunk Certified Administrator designation is intended for IT professionals involved in Splunk application design, implementation, deployment, and troubleshooting. It is also aimed at those adept at supporting Splunk in a technical capacity. The following areas are part of the testing that needs to be completed by candidates to obtain this certification: basic and advanced administration skills for the various components of Splunk.

Splunk Certified Associate Spray:

Splunk Certified Associate Spray is designed exclusively for those working with digital signage solutions containing a platform running on the JVM on the Windows operating system using Microsoft ADK Integration Components. Splunk Certified Associate Certification is offered through Splunk Services, a division of Splunk Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, CA. Splunk Inc. is privately held and was founded in 2003 by Erik Swan, the founder of RiverStone Networks. The company is supported by venture capital and angel investors following its initial start-up funding from RiverStone Networks.


Final Thoughts:

Thanks for reading this article. I strongly recommend you pass the Splunk SPLK-2003 exam because the qualities and career prospects above will help you decide on this certification. If you want to succeed in the exam, join Realbraindumps by clicking on the below link; you will get a 100% passing guarantee. You can also avail of our free demo for 24 hours.
