mud pump Manifold Strainer Pulsation Dampener Best-all supplies suction and discharge manifold for OEM and Southwest fluid end complete. The suction manifold are made by welding seamless pipes. The discharge manifold are made by casting alloy steel for 5000PSi or by one-piece forged alloy steel for 7500PSi fluid end, OEM or Southwest fluid end. All the suction manifolds and the discharge manifolds are pressure-tested after machining to ensure no leakage. 100% interchangeable standard OEM and Southwes fluid end as below mud pumps Mud Pump BrandMud Pump Model BOMCOF-500, F-800, F-1000, F-1300, F-1600, F-1600HL, F-2200HL HonghuaHHF-500, HH F-800, HHF-1000, HHF-1300, HHF-1600, HHF-1600HL, HHF-2200HL EMSCOF-500, F-800, F-1000, F-1300, F-1600, FB-1300, FB-1600, FC-1600 Gardner DenverPAH, PZ-7, PZ-8, PZ-9, PZ-10, PZ-11 NationalSouthwest 12-P-160, 14-P-220 TSCWF-700, WF-1000, WF-1300, WF-1600, WF-2000, WF-2200 WeatherfordMP-5, MP-8, MP-10, MP-13, MP-16,mud pump Manifold Strainer Pulsation Dampener website:
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